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Upcoming events at Eastside

We organise our events through our facebook page. Join us below and give us a like!


Eastside FPV is committed to returning to the air in a COVID safe environment.

All participants must register for an event if they intend to be physically present at the venue.

A participant includes the pilot and any family or other support person they have with them attending an event eg parent, sibling, carer, partner, best mate etc.

All participants must provide contact details on registration and must confirm on registering that they have not been in contact with a COVID positive case, nor asked to isolate and are displaying no health symptoms of concern that would prevent them from attending. If you do not do either, we cannot unfortunately accept your registration.

Any participant who attends an event who is not a pilot IS included in these limit.

All participants must wear a mask at all times and must maintain a safe distance from other participants of 1.5m.

All pilots must bring their own gear and must bring sufficient batteries and spares for an event. No sharing of equipment or parts is permitted.

For the time being, the pavillion cannot be used for any purpose other than accessing the toilet. ie you cannot sit inside or store your gear inside or charge batteries or fix gear etc etc etc.

Doors will be designated Entry and Exit to ensure one way traffic.

For the time being we’ve decided not to offer a BBQ but will have coffee and tea available (outside). Please bring your own cups.

If anyone tests positive to COVID post attending an Eastside FPV event, please contact the event organisers and Cathy Bibby ( ASAP.